Saturday, December 1, 2012

Air Force Football

I have been in the Army for 6 years now, and I have always had a special place in my heart for the Military Academies' football teams, so I decided I'd design some uniforms for them. The theme of these uniforms is "Air Power" and the represent some of the famous planes in the history of the Air Force.

The Flying Tigers were an American volunteer group from WW2 that helped defend China from the Imperial Japanese forces. They're pretty interseting, you should check them out on wikipedia!

The B-29 was the biggest baddest bomber of WW2. In fact, a B29 carried the atom bombs that ended the war. This design is based on the raw metal design of the B-29 with invasion stripes.

Americans have always prided themselves on being the biggest, fastest, and strongest and perhaps one of the events that exemplified this most was when we broke the sound barrier with the X-1.

The SR-71 exemplified the stealthiness and sneakiness of the cold war. It flew higher and faster than anything else, and was not detectable by anything at the time.

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